donderdag 18 december 2008

Visionaire 55: Surprise! - Sign up now.

Famous has only one item in stock and we're planning to keep this lovely box of magic pleasure for ourselves ;-P. But ofcourse you can sign up by sending an email to:, and we will reserve one for you too.

A peek inside the new Peter Beard book... :-)

This new Taschen-published book of Peter Beard is very modest on the outside, but oh so extravagant on the inside. Leafing through will take you longer than planned - there's just too much to discover!

Nice to know: another edition of this book is available for 10,000 euros. It has the same contents as the "regular" one, but includes a signed photograph and has a leather cover.

donderdag 6 november 2008

Hells Angels Motorcycle Club

Famous precents a rare, raw and absolutely stunning special publication:

A special limited edition of the highly successful photographic exloration of the secret world of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.
Beautifully bound, individually numbered and hand signed by photographer Andrew Shaylor. Presented in a custom-made box containing an original hand finished print also signed and numbered by the photographer.

Printed in 2005 in a limited edition of 1000 pieces.

Visionaire 54 Sport

Yesterday we received the long awaited jewel:   Visionaire 54 Sport!
Another amazing publication by Visionaire.
This issue is a collaboration between Visionaire and sportsbrand Lacoste.

Includes polo's with print designs by Peter Lindbergh (Large), Thomas Ruff (Medium) and Pedro Almodovar (Small) among others. Each set contains 3 polo's (as shown on photo's)

(Each set sold separately.)

donderdag 16 oktober 2008

Jack Pierson Plate

Two days ago we received long awaited Jack Pierson collectors plates!
Like the John Waters plates in our collection, they are signed and nubered at the back.

woensdag 15 oktober 2008

Dadara Munnification

Back in 2006 Famous hosted the first, and highly succesful, Dutch Munny event "Munnification".
Dutch artist Dadara created unique, hand painted designs on these vinyl critters.
One of which was used for Dj Tiesto and Maxi Jazz's "Dance For Life" record sleeve.

Some of these unique figures are still for sale at Famous.

Below are some photographs of this event.

zaterdag 27 september 2008

Rachel de Joode for the Ladies exhibition

Though I know I done no wrong I feel guilt - 2005

zondag 14 september 2008

PEACHES VIDEO by Rachel de Joode

Famous friend and artist Rachel de Joode, currently living in Paris, made this great video with the notorious singer Peaches. The video was shot in Berlin.

Rachel de Joode on the V Vorn cover

Skin colored, Size matters - 2007 at the cover of V Vorn magazine.

Rachel de Joode's "Size matters" series was published in V Vorn magazine, a high end art mag. Size Matters featured Rachel's parents, with whom she works very often. Another picture of Rachel, "Tough I know I done no wrong I feel guilt" was exhibited at the Ladies exhibition. (See further posts.)

The Ladies works

zaterdag 13 september 2008

Miriam Kruishoop and Erwin Olaf at Ladies exhibition

Irene van Dijk at Ladies

Amsterdam artist Irene van Dijk for Ladies.
In these three pieces the Cute, the Obscure and the Woman go hand in hand.

Peter Klashorst at the Ladies exhibition

The first photograph in row, hanging close near the window, seemed very Vermeer-esque to us.

As you can see below this picture was printed (and framed) life size.

Neema's wall of fame

Famous created a very chique portfolio, African style, to present Peter's Neema series.

Collaboration with Klashorst

Michou joined forces with Peter Klashorst for the Ladies exhibition. Peter made a series of 10 photographs named Neema, that were exposed in the store. Some in life-size...

LADIES exhibition

The "Neema" series by Peter Klashorst that he created for Ladies.

This year, Famous has two exhibitions: Ladies and Gentlemen.
Ladies showed the work of several Famous artists like Lauren Greenfield, Larry Sultan, David LaChapelle, Rachel de Joode, Miles Aldridge and many more...
The subject of the work was, clearly, "ladies".

Daido Moriyama at the Rembrandtsquare

After the opening of daido's exhibition at the Reflex Gallery in Amsterdam, we went out for a bite with this distinguished little gentleman...

Smoking outside (outside!!! The smoking prohibition just began in Amsterdam) of the restaurant

Wining & Dining with Nobuyoshi Araki (Tokyo)

A night at Bar Araki

Portrait of Michou's brother Alex (who also french kissed the artist)

Araki's dolls

Michou placed her autograph at Nobuyoshi's wall of fame, between to Bjorks' and Larry Clarks'